Is Uday Kotak of Kotak Mahindra Bank culprit?
Is Uday Kotak of Kotak Mahindra Bank culprit? Thousands of cases are registered against Kotak Mahindra Bank by an individual or company. Dr. Santosh Kumar Bagla & his family are one of them, Which Kotak Mahindra Bank was brutalized in every way. Like Dr. Bagla family, there will definitely be many other families who are victims of the cruelty of the bank. After all, who is the culprit of this crime ............ and who will punish him, how will he get it? It is also clear that Kotak Mahindra Bank and Uday Kotak are behind of all these adventures. But how will they be punished? Dr. Bagla says that such people cannot be fought only with the help of law. The long process of law and the effect of their money & power also impede justice. Therefore, the best way to fight such people is to boycott them. Be aware that Dr. Bagla ’s family has been fighting with U day kotak of Kotak ...